Changes made after the Film Review

 There were multiple problems with the film. One being poor audio quality. Another being poor transitions. The poor audio had to be prioritized. The audio was continuously low and poor creating a negative impact on the film. In the parking garage scene and the elevator scene this problem was most noticeable. After some changes made using the editing software there was a bit of improvement. Upon review of the film the audio quality was still lacking. So in order to improve the audio the audio has to be reshot. One of our group mates suggested a new voice recording software. This allowed for the audio to improve tremendously. I then worked out the pool scene. The visual effect that it was supposed to give wasn’t acquired. After some changes made in the transition it was corrected. Also the POV shot in the car was also experiencing the same problem. Therefore I had to make the same changes. This reflection has insured that this film will solely be the best possible outcome. 


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